In Southern California, we do not often think about flooding due to rain, but it can happen especially due to our negligence or poor maintenance of flood prevention systems. Often flooding that reoccurs due to rain can be detected and prevented. When the heavy volume of the rain is upon your home’s exterior, it may impact the systems to fail. For example, a downspout could be poorly positioned to remove water from your roof, but when the water has no escape, the groundwater builds up and can cause flooding. 
Before heavy rainfall it is important to inspect drains, gutters, and other flood prevention systems to ensure they are in good conditions. Also, during the heavy rain you may want to observe the flooding area to see what is the culprit to the excessive water. Often rain gutters can be impacted by trees and the sheer weight of the water causing them to dump and not flow to the downspout drain. After noticing the problems with your flood prevention systems, get a professional to repair it! Also, it may be wise to check for mold by getting professional testing done.