Identifying Mold Causes in Your Home

by Oct 17, 2017

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Identifying Mold Causes Can Be Tricky!


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Mold Growth Infiltrates Wet Dark Environments, Making It Difficult for Identifying Mold from Exterior Walls

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Mold doesn’t just suddenly appear, it is like an iceberg, a lot can be unnoticed in the air and below the surface. Mold requires certain conditions and environments to exist in order to proliferate. And those spores can really move when that happens!

Conditions Are key to Identifying Mold Causes

Mold needs the right conditions to grow and spread throughout your home. All it needs are a food source, darkness, heat source, oxygen, water – and very little time. That’s why, once some mold is detected, it is extremely important to deal with it before it gets worse!

Dean’s Expertise in Identifying Mold Causes

Excess water and moisture are the primary catalysts, so the time to be aware of the possibility of mold growth is when you’ve experienced any type of water invasion. We’ve listed below the many ways that mold can enter and take hold in your home and pose mold related health risks.

Humidity Levels Can Help Identifying Mold Sources

A few days of humid weather can cause mold to form on walls, ceilings and other surfaces – all in a just a couple of days! Intense rainfall landing on various surfaces including walls and fencing can spur mold growth, allowing spores to travel and invade your home.

When there hasn’t been rain, it is often about insulation issues or ventilation issues causing temperature difference, then humidity to condensate into moisture, and this repeated problem leads to mold formations.

Drying wet clothing indoors using clothes horses or similar drying accessories causes the dampness from the clothing to rise into the air, leading to an increase in humidity. Using a dehumidifier will reduce the chance of mold forming by keeping the room humidity below 55%. Anything in your home that regularly causes moisture or humidity changes, can be a key to identifying mold sources.


Even the smallest of leaks can cause mold to grow quite rapidly. This seepage often goes unnoticed until items and materials are compromised or the mold becomes so bad it is clearly visible on walls, flooring or furnishings. By this time, you may even smell the mold – which can have a negative affect on your health as time passes.

If you smell something from a known slow leak, chances are you have identified the mold source, and will need to stop procrastinating on the slow leak repairs. If the slow leak is the key to identifying mold source, don’t worry, we are here to help! Call us for mold removal if the problem has gotten to large for normal cleanup.


Concrete floors often become extremely cold even when covered by carpet and padding underneath. This can also happen to walls, even though they may have insulation. When a cold house is warmed up again, condensation can form – which becomes an ideal breeding ground for mold.

Ventilation block quote

Inadequate Ventilation

Poor air flow can create stagnant areas throughout your home which lead to supporting mold growth. This is why it is important to have proper ventilation to keep air moving and not settling in one place. When water evaporates into steam, the air becomes humid which in turn creates the humidity levels perfect environment for mold spores to form and spread.

In areas where water is commonly used, such as the bathroom and kitchen, proper ventilation is extremely important. If you access the bathroom or kitchen and notice a musty smell or consistently notice excess moisture in the air, you have already taken the first step of identifying mold source possibility. A possible solution could be to create adequate ventilation or discussing with the family the proper use of the fan during showers.

If you have trouble narrowing down the source of the mold smell, but have figured out the room the the issue, it may be time to call an expert to help with identifying mold that might be non-visible growth or a mold problem from within the walls, cabinetry, flooring, or ceiling.

Damp Clothing Left In The Home

Following a swim, it’s common to toss your damp swimsuit or trunks into a bag, only to forget about it temporarily. However, the risk of mold growth lurks, not only in forgotten swimwear but also in freshly washed clothes left damp for just a few days. Mold can stealthily take hold, even if the clothes seem dry on the surface.

This is especially true if moist garments find their way into a closet or closed space. The dark and enclosed environment becomes a breeding ground for mold, fostering its rapid growth. Hence, it’s crucial to promptly transfer damp laundry to the dryer to thwart any unwelcome mold surprises, particularly when heading away for the weekend.


Flooding can cause some of the most dangerous kinds of mold, particularly if the flooding is caused by outside influences such as sewage – even the dirty water from your washing machine or dish washer. This type of “black” and “grey” water usually contains contaminants that can grow along with the mold, causing the spores to be breathed in or even inadvertently ingested.

If you have experienced flooding, even if you did everything properly, mold can still be difficult to prevent. In post flood events, it is crucial to get help in identifying mold risks and use professional grade equipment to keep dry. the drying process may seem like overkill, but the vulnerability to mold is at a peak in the post flood environment.

Standing Water Left Under House

Water can easily collect beneath the house in the crawlspace, in basements, and even within the home’s foundation. If you have regular standing water accumulating on your property, you will want to deal with it for many problems, but one of them being mold.

If you are uncertain where the water is coming from, think about the layout of your garden and see if it slopes toward the house. If the garden slope is going down in that direction, then you may need to rethink the landscaping to prevent water collecting around, and eventually inside, the walls and house, thus allowing mold to grow.

Inspect the structure of your home regularly for holes in order to prevent water from entering. Be sure to keep an eye on guttering, searching for cracks and blockages. Performing these inspections will go a long way in keeping water away from under the house as much as possible.

If you have a basement, be sure to check regularly to ensure that there is no lingering dampness. Where possible, place a humidifier in your basement to keep the air fresh, particularly if there is no ventilation in the form of windows and ducts/vents.

Having A Problem With Identifying Mold Causes?

Don’t delay – you’ll need an expert to handle the situation. Don’t wait while the problem becomes worse! We at Orange Restoration are fully capable of dealing with any type of emergency, and mold discovery issues. All of our technicians are fully certified and trained in all facets of mold and water damage restoration. We will respond quickly and get your property back to its original state in no time at all. We are available for 24/7 emergency services. Give us a call today!


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